PART I - POLLEN MANUAL Preface/Prefacio 1. Neotropical Pollen Analysis 2. Review of Amazon Paleoecology: The 1997 NWO/Huygens Lecture 3. A Guide to Piston Coring of Lake Sediments 4. Laboratory Protocols 5.
Browse and Read Amazon Pollen Manual And Atlas Amazon Pollen Manual And Atlas Imagine that you get such certain awesome experience and knowledge by only reading a book. Browse and Read Amazon Pollen Manual And Atlas Amazon Pollen Manual And Atlas Inevitably, reading is one of the requirements to be undergone. To improve the.
Pollen Morphology 6. Appendix of Sources 7. Analise Palinologica Neotropical 8. Revisao da Paleoecologica da Amazonia: A Aula de NWO/Huygens 9.
Guia para Amostragem, com Pistao, de Sedimentos Lacustres 10. Metodologia Palinologica: Protocolo e Materiais 11.
Morfologia de Polen e Esporos PART II - POLLEN ATLAS Introduction/Introducao 1. Pollen Descriptions 2. Key to Families and Genera by Pollen and Spore Groups 3. Key to Major Pollen and Spore Groups 4. Bibliography 6.
Index to Botanical Families 8. Index to Plant Names.
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'This manual and atlas consists, in large part, of illustrations of the principal pollen types that have been found and identified in the sediments of Amazonian lakes. In addition, the volume includes brief reviews of significant pollen work in the Amazon to date, and sections on pollen methods, statistics, paleoecology and lake coring. Pollen analysis of lake sediments is the most widely used procedure for reconstructing paleoclimates by climate modelers and ecologists; therefore, this book should prove a powerful tool for historical climate studies.' Rating: (not yet rated) Subjects. More like this.